Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Power in the Now

            The other day my daughter and I were in a dance store purchasing shoes and gear for dance class.  My daughter wondered off to the jewelry area where her heart connected to a necklace.  As I was paying for her dance-wear, she approached me with a natural spark, seemingly deep, with the necklace in her hands.  I could see my daughter identified with and related to something amazingly beautiful, aligned with her heart.

            As a mother, I was busy.  Had I not been mindful, I may have missed an amazing teaching.  The minute we walked into the store, there stood universal intentions.  From the artisan who created the necklace to the store that selected it for purchase, from my daughter’s heartstrings, to my motherly awareness—the energy of inter-connection had aligned.  At that very moment, the universe provided an opportunity of growth about inner work and chakras.

            As I was finishing up my purchase, the store clerk suggested to my daughter there was a smaller necklace just like the one she had chosen. She grabbed the necklace and placed it down on the counter before my daughter’s eyes. “This one is better.”

            My daughter looked at it and then at me.“I don’t know which one to choose! Mommy, which one should I choose?”

            I was still quiet (thinking) when the store clerk suggested once again, “The smaller necklace is better.”

            “Ok,” my daughter responded, dismissing her inner power.

             As the store clerk took the original necklace away, I became immensely aware. I was witnessing a very subtle form of disruption from the natural order of nature’s intelligence.  The store clerk, unknowingly disregarded my daughter’s intuitive nature.  Still silent, I realized the innocent intervention by the store clerk was an interruption to universal intentions and energies.

            Something deep within me echoed, “Teach your daughter—affirm her inner power.  Your daughter chose the minute her heart danced.” 

            I firmly spoke up. “No, I think we will take the one my daughter picked out."

Many times, we allow others to persuade us to go a different direction, against our gifts.  We easily amplify others power, diminishing our own. (Unpublished Works, 2014) Madeline Gouin


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