Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Song of Healing

Sounds vibrate throughout the universe touching the heart. ~ Madeline Gouin

I was about six years old when I was outside playing and discovering the elements of earth. In my hand was a pebble. Standing silently, one with earth, a little bird sang. Within my soul, a vibration of serenity and peace was undeniably, felt. This sensation was so intense (so profound) the sound’s vibration encircled my being and entered into my core. My energy center (chakra center) was opened and the bird’s song became one with my spirit; I touched bliss.

As a little girl I accepted without question the blessing—earth mother gave a beautiful gift of love.

Now, as in yesterday, when I hear this bird sing I recognize the song and the vibration. This bird's song reminds me of my spiritual place—my home within the heart. As for the pebble? The pebble was a necessary earth element used to ground me as I touched bliss. The elements of this pebble became a conduit of energy whose purpose was to open my root chakra so I could then receive the song of healing and the vibrations of balance, harmony, and peace. (Unpublished Works 2014) Madeline A. Gouin

Turner, T. (2011).  Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu (Peace Mantra with Transcription).   


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