Sunday, October 23, 2016

Soulful Spirit

Spirituality is not religion. Spirituality is soul!

Religion is manmade and as such, is controlled under the guise of doctrine.  Doctrine is written by man and man is the enforcer of doctrine.  No "God" has written the rules of man rather, man intended to create and write them for him/herself.

Since the beginning of time, mankind has battled with the skeletons of control, domination, and dependency.  Anthropologists and other scientific professions that study culture and the origins of man continue to conclude that civilization was strategically set up in order to manifest a society of dependency and a culture of control.

I like to use the analogy of animals.  History reveals that man wanted to make life easier for themselves and through this process, they figured out how to domesticate animals.  Through this process of domestication, they created a ripple, dismissing the life-force.  Understandably, life was very difficult back then and so it makes sense mankind was trying to simplify life and diminish fear  through the power of the mind.

Here lies the root of all issues in civilization.  You see, once we decided to dismiss the life-force as a soulful entity of power as well as a necessity to our existence, we diminished the value of existence itself.  We decided the soul was not possible in the alignment of nature.

Now, we face pollution and abuse, violence and perpetration in our societies and wonder why we are victims, why there are perpetrators, and why there is war.  Man has never been able to resolve the complicated manifestations of violence in our world. Why?

Religion is interpretation and enforcement of doctrine.  So too, politics.  When one finally surrenders to their own mortality in life, they begin the process of understanding the soul.  When one is afraid of facing their own mortality, they run to doctrine to help them comprehend and resolve their fear.  So be it.  If doctrine helps in alleviating the anxiety and truth about life itself, it may be good.

For me, spirituality is of abundance, peace, and love.  After I resolved my inclination and need to stay independent from doctrine (from man-made rules of existence), I became free.  I was not tied or obligated to man-made rules that really were oppressive to my womanhood.

I do not believe you must go to "church" in order to be "saved!"  Nor do I believe, in order to connect with "God" you must join a church!  I do not believe that you must admit your are a sinner in order to find freedom!  Instead, I believe God is love and God brings freedom without the rules and without judgment.  The day I was born, God made clear my value and instilled the power of love itself.  Love is all God is!  God is not manmade rules, God is not a church, God is not an angry judge, God is soul!  And within the fire of this truth exists the refinery of a soulful life I was called to live!

I am free, now that I understand!

Spirituality is not religion. Spirituality is soul! (Unpublished Works, Copyright 2016 by Madeline Gouin)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Your life is like a sunrise, gracefully expressed!
Where golden hues paint orange's best!
Skies galore of a bright day,
Don't you know?
You are a beautiful sun-ray! (Unpublished Works, Copyright 2016, Gouin)
Photo by Madeline Gouin

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Why Does the Buddha Have Big Ears?

            The other day my daughter and I were visiting our massage therapist when she began asking questions about Buddha.  There was a statue made of stone on the table near where my daughter sat. While detoxifying my mind from the stressors of life my daughter simply asked, “Why does the Buddha have such big ears?” 

             I breathed. I could feel my heart smiling. I silently contemplated, “Am I qualified to answer that?”  The creative universe whispered with an exhale, “Yes and No!” Okay then.  I am not a Zen Master nor do I desire to be one.  Never-the-less, I am a writer and when the universe produces an opportunity to write, I listen! 

Why Does the Buddha Have Big Ears?

           Have you ever noticed the Buddha has big ears?  His ears curve with a slight
“S” circling around the side of his face! 

Why do you think Buddha has big ears? 

Since I am not the Buddha, I decided to ask Mr. Tree.  
          “Mr. Tree!  Mr. Tree!  Do you know why the Buddha has big ears?”  
Mr. Tree inhaled just enough to make his bark puff out.  Upon exhale, his leaves began to rustle.  The wind charmed in and a song of laughter began to sound. 

           This was not the answer I was seeking yet, it was an answer.  

            I contemplated again, “Is it because of laughter?”

            Later on that night I was lying in my bed when I heard a strange noise coming from outside.  In the distance there sat an owl.  I decided to ask owl.

           “Mrs. Owl!  Mrs. Owl!  Why do you think Buddha has big ears?”  Mrs. Owl sat quietly staring at me until she took flight!  Swiftly and quickly, the owl flew catching a mouse in her claws and flying off. 

           This was not the answer I was seeking yet, it was an answer.

           I sat quietly bewildered.  Eventually, I fell asleep pondering the question at hand. 

            Why does the Buddha have big ears?

            While I was sleeping, a visitor came into my dream.  He was very calm and had a big belly.  I then realized, “Laughing Buddha!” 

            Why do you think Buddha has big ears?  (Unpublished Works, 2015 by Madeline A. Gouin)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Divine Intelligence

Vibrations exist in life.  When you walk outside energy surrounds you; it vibrates as natural rhythm.  In essence, energy is vibrational.  Your personal energy radiates outwardly into the world.  Every action, every thought, every heart gesture becomes a small breath of life beating to its own drum, while dancing to energy’s rhythm.  Like the elements of nature (earth, water, air and fire), your heart swirls with energy, manifesting love. 

Is love inanimate and animate?  Is it energy, an act, a wish or even, a desire?  Is love just a word or only a thought?  Is love the life-force or is it, nothingness: that is to say, impermanence? 

Within the Buddhist tradition, reality is impermanent.  If one believes “reality is impermanent," than love is not energy, though it produces a feeling or response, and the feeling or response of love, is also not energy, though it is produced by energy. 

Within the cosmos of existence, the life-force extends in everything, animate and (to some degree) inanimate.  You may ask, “How can an inanimate object contain an element of energy?”  Every atom, molecule, element, particle, mineral, and composite contains motion or, contributes towards that end. 

Thus, the DNA of love is the same as the DNA of energy. The DNA of motion is the same as the DNA of intentions. This DNA contains the natural beauty of individualized composites and particles, unique only to the individual’s purpose.

Whether you believe in the divine power of energy or the uniqueness of spirit, there is something exquisite about the simple fact, love is universal. 

Mother earth is an extension of the divine. All the inhabitants of mother earth carry the divine intelligence of the universal soul.  Within this soulful expression of this divine intelligence, is the giving of love!  

In the same light, human beings have always gravitated towards, grown out of, and manifested desires and visions for love.  Love is the divine intelligence of one's soul! (Unpublished Work 2015, Gouin)

    Video Credit:  Lucas Mauro

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Earth Energy

Is it possible, earth’s chakras contain intelligence? How do the waves of energy contained within the earth's centers impact us?

If you look at the earth and its inhabitants, you see many forms of communication breathing power and energy within your mind and heart. These forms of communication are silent, but can be soulfully unique between the giver and receiver. Maybe that is why man tries to seek solitude from the forests of the earth.

When I was a little girl, I would venture out into the wilderness on Rainy Lake without a particular plan of where I would be or end up. It was as though the life-force tugged at me and pushed me forward to quest.

Everyday, I was presented with an opportunity to become one with my environment. Everyday was a new day to learn about energy and earth’s power of communication.

One such encounter occurred when I was about 7 years old.

I was walking in the woods, not too far from my home. On this particular day, the air was warm, while the wind blew softly. It was late May or early June. I was on my way to the big trees, or so I called them. I was on my way to sit in a fort I had created out of branches. I touched a seed on a small tree, when a noise I hadn't ever heard before stopped me in my tracks. Silently, I stood. The noise echoed again. I looked up and there, in a tall tree, was a spotted white owl. She looked at me in silence. Something told me to go home.

I went home and as I approached the door to my house I noticed at the end of my sidewalk sat a very big white owl. It was a male owl, fluffed up, very large, and very white! He was silent staring at me! I smiled at him and communicated with my heart, “Wait for me.” He sat on the tree. I inched forward, but something told me to stay back. I just couldn't believe I was seeing this beautiful white owl. We stared at each other for a moment; this moment seemed a lifetime. I backed away and went inside to grab my camera. When I came out, he was gone.

This moment in my childhood bewildered me, to say-the-least. I often asked myself as I grew older, why did these white owls visit me in early summer? Why didn’t they attack me? I never understood why until I began writing my memoir.

The spiritual connection and intelligence of this childhood experience brings me forward to newfound wisdom about spirit, interconnection, and equalization. The owls came to teach me about intuitive power. I learned that the energy of life is spiritual and the earth’s chakras align with man, if the opportunity presents itself. The waves of energy present in nature in relationship to man, evolves over time. Such is the journey of earth: ancient, slow-moving, and powerful. This evolution of connections, interconnections, and intelligence is like the earth of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Thus, the intuitive teaching given to me by the owls presence, processed on nature's time. This is why it took many years for me to understand the depth of why the white owls visited.

Creator, you shine your light and power upon the world in small, but strategic ways. Though I am weak, your power is strength! Though others misunderstand, your intelligence prevails! Your love rains down upon my soul, like a dew-drop glistening upon a small leaf. I am humbled and grateful! (Unpublished Works, 2015—Gouin)

The photo you see of the white owl was uploaded from "National Geographic." The picture belongs to photographer, Barbara Fleming from Colorado. (I do not own the rights to this picture!)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

            Stillness equates to a blanket of snow during this winter season.  Earth's amazing art reminds us of the quiet and slow movements winter's energy provides. The subtle musical note of a delicate snowflake touching the face is a song of instantaneous awareness—an awareness monumental.

            I remember as a child lying in the snow, looking up to the heavens, watching the crisp skies dance with the twinkling stars, and feeling one. Somehow in my silent understanding I recognized, I too, am an important thread within the vast universe. I was mesmerized by the sweet song of winter, known within my heart as stillness.

            Such is the simplicity of a child’s understanding.

            For some of you, this time of year is a celebration while for others, it is nothing more than another day. Whatever you believe and wherever you find yourself, I challenge you to re-discover stillness. With the busyness of your hustle and the intensity of your bustle, always remember stillness is slow movements surrounding and collaborating with your core.

            Like Tai Chi Chuan root your feet, breathe in the moment, allow yourself to dance free (as free as the energy surrounding you), and wrap yourself in the stillness of your own heart; you will discover harmony with all that is. (Unpublished Works, 2015) ~ Madeline Gouin

May 2015 bless your journey with mastery of balance and harmony! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Embody the Essence

Embody the Essence 
Inside of me flows the essence.
A flower, a song, a root, and a bean.
Inside of you flows the energy.
Of water, of soul, of tree, and of seed.
Together we build wonderful intentions
of unique symbols only universe sees.
Dance, I do.  Sense, I will!
I hope you do the same! (Unpublished Works, 2014) ~ Madeline A. Gouin