Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lunar Eclipse

I was standing outside yesterday aware that the universe was about to experience a total Lunar Eclipse , also known as a “blood moon.” I was silently contemplating while sensing earth's energy encircling above and below. The air was crisp as the moon's light beamed downward.  A sensation of warmth touched my head from the crown inward.  At that moment I realized,  energy exists beyond man’s understanding and is felt only when the receiver is aware of inter-connection, inter-being, and equalization. 

In the western skies stood the moon that was slowly transforming into a rusty red color.  At about 5:25AM the earth aligned between the sun and moon creating a red shadow upon the moonlight.

How do the energies interact in this event called the Lunar Eclipse?  What are the subtle queues and signs of alignment and realignment?  Though I do not have the scientific explanations regarding these questions, I could sense a powerful energy of connection. 

Alignment is harmony.  (Unpublished Works, 2014) Madeline A. Gouin

Blood Moon (October 2014)

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