Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Balancing Act

There are times we do not understand the universal intentions and apparent energies of obstacles.  We may fight the universal energies because the obstacles trigger frustrations.  Eventually, we may realize it is a waste of time and energy to fight the flow and decide it is better to dance with it.  Dancing does not mean submission!  

Let me expound upon this thought. 

What is dance?  The dictionary defines dance as “moving rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps.”  When I think about the life force, I envision energy swirling around within my being and going outwardly into the universe. Such is the way of dancing.  When I relate to other people, I can sense this same phenomena; the energy of life (receiver and giver) feeding off each other and creating waves of connections beyond the physical.  In dance, it is all about physicality, unless of course, you sense. 

When I say it is better to dance with the universal flow, I am referring to moving rhythmically.  The music associated with this universal flow is nature.  Nature’s music can be the birds, the wind, the silence, your intuition, and/or your eyes.  It is everything above and below— within and without.  This may seem abstract, but it is the way of nature.  Nature does not make sense to our logical intelligence (in the way we may think so) while our logical intelligence mimics nature.  In these moments, it is better to embrace the abstract of nature. 

The physical realm of nature is beautiful and the spiritual realm of nature is mystical.  The mystics have said many times through, where your soul meets spirit’s light, the light gifts amazing vision.

What is your dance?  Here are some thoughts to contemplate:  

Your steps are self-determined by deep roots of intuition and awareness; they are sequenced by your ability to sense, feel, and listen.  In concordance with nature, your intelligence will be and is abstract.  This is the creative power of spirit.  All of life’s energy center's upon deep intentions of the life-force thrusting into existence a sequence of powerful, and often times, misunderstood steps.  From seed to amazing flower, your life is abloom.  

Will you dance or waste your time and energy fighting?  (Unpublished Works, 2014) Madeline A. Gouin

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